Ultrasonic cutting machine usage guide and tips

How to appropriately cut food with an ultrasonic machine?

It is not only a blue sky for cutting efficiency, and the ultrasonic device will have a longer life when used correctly. Below are key steps described:

  • Check the equipment: Before using the ultrasonic food cutter, assure the power connection of the device and the blade is installed firmly;
  • Setting parameters: For the dough’s hardne;
  • Different ultrasonic frequency and amplitude settings should be used for different ingredients to get the best output;
  • Operating process: Lay the ingredients on the cutting table surface and make sure the ingredients are well stable and not moving. After the tool starts, gently move the blade to touch the food and use ultrasonic vibration for the cutting;
  • Safety Precautions: Put on protective gloves during operations and avoid direct contact with the blade. Do not refit the device while it is running.

The correct ultrasonic food cutters safety rules and cleaning procedure

Employ a mild detergent or a soft cloth to clean the blade or the surface of a device preferably to avert the fleck of any food.

Deep cleaning: Reaching the scheduled time, you must manage once a week the deep cleaning by unpacking the blade and the rest of the removable parts, and then washing.

Lubrication and maintenance: At regular intervals check and use lubricating oil to lubricate the movable parts of the device in order to reduce its tear.

Electrical inspection: Every month, do troubleshooting and inspect the power cord and control panel to see if there is any loose wire or any other problems.

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Common problems and solutions for ultrasonic food cutters

Some of the more frequent problems observed and the related solutions in the use of the machine include:

  • Irregular cutting: The problem may be with the wear of the blade or the wrong frequency setting. It is recommended to make a check on the particular strip’s life and then recalibrate it.
  • The device is very noisy: This may be due to wear and tear or slipping of the device internally. It is recommended to suspend the device from the activity and allow a professional technician to carry out an inspection.
  • Food sticks to the blade: The issue may be that the blade is not smooth enough or that the food type causes the problem. The most suitable way is to clean the blade every now and then and apply a thin layer of anti-sticking spray, that way the blade won’t stick to the food.

Tips to improve the cutting effect of ultrasonic food cutters

If you are interested to get more efficient cutting, then you might try the following practices:

  • Firstly, pre-cooling treatment: In the case of soft ingredients such as cheese and butter, the use of short-term freezing prior to cutting can also enhance the cutting effect.
  • Blade selection: The best blade type and size is to be chosen according to the materials used in order to attain correct cutting.
  • Speed control: You need to alter the cutting speed and the choice of the best cutting speed relying on the substance attributes to prevent too fast or too slow from being an issue here.
  • Regular calibration: The frequency and amplitude settings of the device need to be calibrated periodically, to make sure the device always work most efficiently.

Users have the potential to fully exploit ultrasonic food cutters through the use of the operating manual and helpful information to enhance efficiency in production and quality of cuts.

>>about xiaowei a variety of customizable ultrasonic cutting equipment

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